Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), also known as factory farms, have a significantly damaging impact on the water we use. In North Carolina, where hogs outnumber the human population, the threat to human health has become so severe that the state has banned any further production. We examine the danger of unchecked corporate power.

What effect is animal agriculture having on the waterways, streams, rivers & lakes?
2-5 acres of land are used per cow
The Diverse Structure and Organization of U.S. Beef Cow-Calf Farms / EIB-73: study by USDA – Economic Research Service ( for acres/cow- pages 12 and 13)1/3 of the planet is desertified, with livestock as the leading driver
UWC, “Desertification”. The Encyclopedia of Earth, “Overgrazing”. UN, “Desertification, Drought Affect One Third of Planet, World’s Poorest People, Second Committee Told as It Continues Debate on Sustainable Development”. An article that explains desertification and livestock’s role:Every minute, 7 million pounds of excrement are produced by animals raised for food just in the US alone. A farm with 2,500 dairy cows produces the same amount of waste as a city of 411,000 people
“Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Research and Development. 2004..130 times more animal waste than human waste is produced in the US – 1.4 billion tons from the meat industry annually
Animal agriculture: waste management practices. United States General Accounting Office.5 tons of animal waste is produced per person in the US. In the U.S. livestock produce 116,000 lbs of waste per second:
-Dairy Cows, 120lbs of waste per day x 9 million cows. -Cattle, 63lbs of waste per day, x 90 million cattle. -Pigs, 14lbs. of waste per day, x 67 million pigs. -Sheep/Goats. 5lbs of waste per day, x 9 million sheep/goats. -Poultry, .25-1lbs of waste per day, x 9 billion birds.
Every minute, 7 million pounds of excrement are produced by animals raised for food just in the US alone.
We are appealing to all environmentalists to become vegan and all people who have any care for our precious planet to also become vegan. The top environmental organizations and environmentalists should be fighting against the top threat to the environment, right? Well, they’re not. In this fact-packed, fast-paced video we’ll tally up everything wrong with environmentalism in 12 minutes or less.