NOTE. Source for data: Cowspiracy

Time is rapidly running out for the world’s oceans and the creatures that live in them as the Earth’s climate continues to warm, say scientists. Only ‘immediate and substantial’ reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can hope to prevent ‘massive’ impacts on marine ecosystems, warn the experts. Meanwhile, overfishing and other similar threats have caused the number of fish and animals in the ocean to have halved since 1970 with conservation group WWF(World Wide Fund for Nature) calling the situation ‘critical’.

What effect is animal agriculture having on the ocean

(The following facts and resources are taken directly from the Cowspiracy.com/facts page. All credit goes to Filmmakers Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn).

3/4 of the world’s fisheries are exploited or depleted

“Overfishing: A Threat to Marine Biodiversity.” UN News Center.
“General Situation of World Fish Stocks.” United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

We could see fishless oceans by 2048

Science, “Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services”.
National Geographic, article Nov. 2006

90-100 million tons of fish are pulled from our oceans each year, equating to 2.7 trillion animals lives

“World Review of Fisheries and Aquaculture.” UNITED NATIONS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO). 2012. (pg 6, 20)
Montaigne, fen. “Still waters: The global fish crisis.” National Geographic.

For every 1 pound of fish caught, up to 5 pounds of unintended marine species are caught and discarded as by-kill

“Discards and Bycatch in Shrimp Trawl Fisheries.” UNITED NATIONS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO).

As many as 40% (63 billion pounds) of fish caught globally every year are discarded

Wasted Catch: Unsolved Problems in U.S. Fisheries
Goldenberg, Suzanne. “America’s Nine Most Wasteful Fisheries Named.” The Guardian.

Scientists estimate as many as 650,000 whales, dolphins and seals are killed every year by fishing vessels

Wasted Catch: Unsolved Problems in U.S. Fisheries
Goldenberg, Suzanne. “America’s Nine Most Wasteful Fisheries Named.” The Guardian.

Fish catch peaks at 85 million tons. 40-50 million sharks killed in fishing lines and nets.

Shark Savers, “Shark Fin Trade Myths and Truths: BYCATCH”. Bonfil, R. 2000. The problem of incidental catches of sharks and rays, its likely consequences and some possible solutions. Sharks 2000 Conference, Hawaii, 21-24 February
Animal Welfare Institute

Livestock operations on land have created more than 500 nitrogen flooded deadzones around the world in our oceans

NOAA News, 2014.

For every 1 pound of fish caught, up to 5 pounds of unintended marine species are caught and discarded as by-kill

Seafood and Health

The relationship between fish consumption and diabetes risk may be due to toxic pollutants that build up in the aquatic food chain.
Advice to eat oily fish or take fish oil to lower risk of heart disease, stroke, or mortality is no longer supported by the balance of available evidence.
Fish and fish oil consumption do not appear to protect against heart disease, arrhythmias, or sudden death, but why would they increase cancer risk?

Waterways, Streams, Rivers & Lakes

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